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Technical Assistance

Customized solutions to suit each Client’s needs.

All products manufactured and commercialized by TECMI, are supported by our TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER, at TECMI INDUSTRIAL S.A., This Center offers customized solutions to optimize performance of the equipment supplied in terms of reliability, efficiency, energy saving and maintenance costs reduction.

The TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER is focused on providing tailored solutions for each Client’s needs. We offer full support throughout all stages from product selection, design, manufacturing, installation to maintenance.

We are engaged in offering our Clients maximum profitability for their investments made on our equipment. For this purpose, we provide a variety of integrated assistance activities such as post-sales services, among others.

We support Clients along the entire machine’s life cycle. Also, we arrange interventions required to prevent the decline of the equipment’s efficiency, in order to maintain a high level of:

      Productive efficiency.
      Operative flexibility.
      Energy saving.
      Limitation of global operation costs.
      Investment profitability.
